NOW BOARDING: HANDS-FREE TRAVEL Navigating airports and train stations while juggling luggage, ID, your phone, and that outer layer you took off because you were sweating should probably be an Olympic event. Even if you're proud of your pro-level multitasking, having a third hand while traveling would no doubt be a huge help. This handy-dandy strap hooks up to your carry-on so you can use your body to tote it around, freeing you up for more important things like your third coffee of the day. Just sling the strap around your shoulder and traipse about the terminal with gusto. Your bag will follow you around without wobbling and stay by your side so you can't possibly forget it when you stop for $7 potato chips. It also reduces theft along with strain when pulling heavy bags. For under $30, this travel accessory makes a great gift for yourself (and other people, too), plus you'll get $3 off with code 3HANDS-STACK. RetraStrap |