HOW TELEGRAM BECAME THE ANTI-FACEBOOK In the world of social media, Telegram is a distinct oddity. Often rounding out lists of the world's 10 largest platforms, it has just around 30 core employees, had no source of ongoing revenue until very recently, and — in an era when tech firms face increasing pressure to quash hate speech and misinformation — exercises virtually no content moderation, except to take down illegal pornography and calls for violence. "For us, Telegram is an idea," Pavel Durov, Telegram's Russian founder, has said. "It is the idea that everyone on this planet has a right to be free." Wired | AIMING FOR A DREAM JOB IN 2022? GET THOSE INTERVIEWING SKILLS IN LINE. The new year (yes, February still counts) is the perfect time to ditch what doesn't serve you and go after things that do. Even though the Great Resignation (or the Great Reshuffle, depending on who you ask) has put leverage in the hands of applicants, if you're looking for a better job right now, you'll still need to nail the interview. Mashable | SCIENTISTS HAVE SEEN THE LARGEST COMET EVER: 15 MOUNT EVERESTS Scientists have confirmed the discovery of the largest comet ever spotted and further refined its dimensions at roughly 85 miles in diameter, which is about 15 times the altitude of Mount Everest and almost twice as big as the infamous comet Hale-Bopp, the previous record holder. Vice | INVEST IN AN ELECTRIC CAR COMPANY THAT WILL MAKE DRIVING IN DENSE CITIES EASIER, CLEANER, AND MORE AFFORDABLE Consider this: Nearly 50% of urban car trips in the U.S. are under three miles, yet congestion costs us about $1,400 a year. EV startup Eli Electric is remedying rapid urbanization with a micro-electric vehicle designed to make everyday tasks like commuting and running errands more efficient, affordable, and environmentally friendly. Already for sale in Europe, these vehicles are proving to be key components of the cities of tomorrow. Interested in investing in clean energy? Get in on the action with exciting equity crowdfunding options. [Partner] | SINGLE HACKER TAKES DOWN NORTH KOREAN INTERNET WHILE IN PAJAMA PANTS AND EATING CORN SNACKS On January 26, North Korea News reported that a distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attack took the "entire country" off the Internet, following on from a smaller attack on January 14. One hacker, who has provided evidence to Wired, has claimed responsibility for the hack, telling the news organization that he conducted it from his home in the U.S. while watching Aliens in his pajama pants and eating spicy corn snacks. IFLScience | 99% OF USERS SAID THIS HOT COCOA ENHANCED THEIR SLEEP QUALITY (THAT'S A LOT OF USERS) If you have trouble sleeping, you're not alone. Over 50 million Americans struggle with some kind of sleep issue. beam CBD's delicious bedtime cup of healthy cocoa is filled with sleep-enhancing vitamins and minerals like magnesium, melatonin, reishi, L-theanine, and beam's THC-free nano hemp to fight inflammation, balance your body, and support your sleep. It's the ultimate recovery tool used by athletes like Baker Mayfield, Danica Patrick, and fittest man on earth Mat Fraser. The results speak for themselves. 98% of users who drink Dream before bed have reported they fall asleep faster and 99% of users reported they experience better sleep quality. This could be you. Just use code FUTURIST for 15% off sitewide or 35% off subscriptions, which you can pause, skip, or cancel anytime, to stock up on dream and beam's other THC-free CBD blends today. beam Organics | TIKTOK IS ENABLING PREDATORY ADHD ADVERTISERS TO TARGET YOUNG USERS A swarm of advertisements encouraging attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) self-diagnosis and medication have appeared on TikTok in recent weeks, potentially violating the platform's medical misinformation policy. A recent study exposed TikTok for allowing Cerebral, a health startup, to sponsor ADHD advertisements that promoted "negative body images and contained misleading health claims." Media Matters | - Track your portfolio, import your transactions, and file your crypto taxes easily, by yourself, with Accointing, the crypto tax software
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