THIS HOME LOAN ALTERNATIVE GETS YOU THE CASH YOU NEED WITHOUT MONTHLY PAYMENTS These days, just about anyone could use a little extra cash. Unfortunately, it's impossible to manifest money out of thin air. Fortunately, there's an easy way to finance that new pool, pay off debt, or purchase a second property. If you're a homeowner looking to tap your home equity, then you should know about Hometap Equity Investments. Hometap isn't a loan and never will be. It's actually an investment that Hometap makes in your property, alongside you, that provides you cash today in exchange for a share in your home's future value. Because of this, you never have to make any monthly payments for the duration of your contract with Hometap, like you would with a loan. And there are no interest payments. The Hometap Investment process is designed to be simple, straightforward, and transparent, so you can get back to more important things, like living your life. Hometap |